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Monday, December 29, 2008

Over 2 weeks without my car

It's funny how you get so used to your own car, that when you don't drive it for a while you realize just how much you like or dislike driving it.

I haven't driven my Volvo since the 13th. And I've been in San Diego since the 17th (although
it sure as hell feels like I've been here for a lot longer). Don't get me wrong, I like visiting, but sometimes it gets so boring here. Even though I'm someone who likes spending time alone, I like doing projects. But there's nothing for me to do. And it doesn't help that I don't have my own car here to futz around with or in. If I had my own car, I'd probably spend most of the time driving around just checking stuff out.

Spring break can't come quick enough (even though I'm looking forward to going back to work, asap). I should be going to Idaho (and maybe with a friend or friends..but I doubt that). If it's not too cold or icy, I hope to be making the trek in my car. While it doesn't have a good AC/cooling option anymore, the heater works like a gem. It could be 20 degrees outside, and I'll be roasting in my car. Those Swedes know what the hell they were doing.

I should be going to the Holiday Bowl tomorrow (Oregon vs Oklahoma State). I was going to wear my OSU shirt, but I've decided I just don't care enough. There is a chance I'll be screwed out of going, but you never know. If I do go, there should be free food and drinks. So I plan on not eating until then.

Until next time, America.

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