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Monday, December 29, 2008

Over 2 weeks without my car

It's funny how you get so used to your own car, that when you don't drive it for a while you realize just how much you like or dislike driving it.

I haven't driven my Volvo since the 13th. And I've been in San Diego since the 17th (although
it sure as hell feels like I've been here for a lot longer). Don't get me wrong, I like visiting, but sometimes it gets so boring here. Even though I'm someone who likes spending time alone, I like doing projects. But there's nothing for me to do. And it doesn't help that I don't have my own car here to futz around with or in. If I had my own car, I'd probably spend most of the time driving around just checking stuff out.

Spring break can't come quick enough (even though I'm looking forward to going back to work, asap). I should be going to Idaho (and maybe with a friend or friends..but I doubt that). If it's not too cold or icy, I hope to be making the trek in my car. While it doesn't have a good AC/cooling option anymore, the heater works like a gem. It could be 20 degrees outside, and I'll be roasting in my car. Those Swedes know what the hell they were doing.

I should be going to the Holiday Bowl tomorrow (Oregon vs Oklahoma State). I was going to wear my OSU shirt, but I've decided I just don't care enough. There is a chance I'll be screwed out of going, but you never know. If I do go, there should be free food and drinks. So I plan on not eating until then.

Until next time, America.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

In theory, I will be leaving for San Diego on Wednesday. Because of the flights, I might have to miss up to 3 days of work. That kind of irks me, but there is a good chance those days will be non work days anyways. Why you ask?

Portland is getting a pretty good helping of cold Artic air, and as of right now, we have about 2-3 inches of snow and temperatures of about 25. Work was canceled today, but it's just delayed 2 hours tomorrow. Wednesday (going into Thursday) Portland is supposed to be getting a pretty big snow storm, with a potential for an additional 4-5 inches of snow. So that could mean that There's no work on Wednesday and Thursday, and maybe Friday.

I'm hoping that work will be canceled on Wed and Thursday, because that will just mean I miss one day of work.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just some random links and such

Smile Contest!

I'm going to look at an old (1988) Bronco later today, and see if it's worth maybe getting. My brother and I are talking about buying one for our cabin. We plan on using it for stuff we don't want to do in our cars, like huckleberry picking, buying concrete, lumber, etc, and just running around in the woods. However, our father and one of our sisters doesn't seem to like how we're thinking of doing this. They say it's because we don't need another vehicle up there (but we don't *have* one up there), because we can just take our fathers ash tray (know by us kids as the Suburban) up there or use our own "rigs".

The real reason they don't want my brother and I to do it is because we're thinking of getting a Ford (and we don't want to use our dads Suburban, because he smoked in it for 20 years and it smells) and they both despise Fords. Upon the suggestion that we should get a "GM" truck up there, I respond with "offer to pay for your share, and we might".

It's supposed to get really cold this coming week (low in the teens). Thankfully, I'm flying to San Diego this Thursday, where it shouldn't be as freaking cold.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Greetings and Salutations!

I've decided to open up a new blog. I've blogged on livejournal,, and most recently myspace. But I grew tired of each one and left. I'm sure I'll grow tired of this one too, but right now it's going to be mostly a blog about cars and other random stuff.

I currently own a Volvo 245. It's a 23 year old wagon, with 219K on it. In the 18 months I've had it, I've put on just over 12K miles on it, and have replaced the heater blower motor, the wiring harness, power steering pump, tie-rods, inner tie-rods, ball joints, struts, shocks, back seat (it's now leather) and a new radio. I've probably done more, but that's all I can think of right now.

I'm in the process of maybe buying an older(ish) Bronco with my brother, for our cabin in Idaho. It won't be the old super popular (and therefore, overpriced) style, but the bigger style that ended in 96. If we buy one, I'll document it here, and show some of the stuff we've done to it. It won't be anything special (not like "shade tree mechanic"). We're not lifting it or anything of that sort. Just regular maintenence.

I'm also toying with the idea of getting myself an old Chevy/GMC or Ford Truck. And being that I'm in Oregon, it'd have to be before 1975, the first year that vehicles have to go through DEQ. I'm not in a great hurry to buy one of these though. The styles I like a lot, the GMC and Chevrolet (60-72) are over priced or piles. The style of Fords I like (73-79) are cheaper, but the engine I'd prefer (the straight 6) are harder to find then it's probably worth.

If I get one of those, I'll document what I've done to it, just for fun.

Overall, this will probably just be a place where I rant and go off on strange tangents about nothing in particular.
