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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Back from the coast

I went to Newport Saturday and Sunday. I do that on a semi regular basis, but this was the first time in over a year. It was nice to get away from town, and defuse from some things at work.

When I go down there, I end up going to about 5 places regularly. The first place I go to is the Eager Beaver, a 2nd hand store off of Olive St. I always go there, but lately it's been crappier and crappier. The next place is south of the bridge, named "Pirates Plunder". They occasionally have some neat stuff in it (it's kind of like going through your grandparents house, but with a lot of new stuff that no one would even try to sell). The next place is some other crappy place behind it which has all sorts of lame ass jewelery and other misc crap that no one should ever want. And the last place is a "flea market" type place that again, has all sorts of crap no one should want. But regardless of all that, I still go to those three places almost faithfully.

In the past, I have purchased manzanita rootas, the occasional record and my prized purchase was a coffee mug that had the name "Doughty" on it.

This trip, I didn't actually buy much (cept for a Grolsch pop-top beer bottle. Not the normal sized ones either, a big one). But I did find a license plate that is the same as the old one for my car (KVR ###). I thought that was neat. I also found some old Blazer glasses, from RC Cola, honoring the 1977 title team. I wasn't sure if they were legit, and the market for those is pretty small. So I saw no reason to buy them.

I did find two Beach Boys albums (actual records), but eh...I couldn't get that motivated to purchase them.

If you were wondering if I had forgotten how to count, no I did not. The 5th is just the Fred Meyer down there. Which ironically enough, I bought shirts at. All in all, I bought like 7 shirts, but got them for just about 65% off their already lowered prices. So woot for me.

I've always enjoyed the coast, and while I know it rains there far more than it does here and there's that pesky tourist thing that bothers me (I'm not a fan of big crowds), I always feel really good after coming back from the coast. I could see myself living there, of course it's easy for me to say as I don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks about living there or not. Yay being single. :/

I might go there again next weekend, but you can only see the same shit in the same stores so many times before you start going insane, and I doubt there's much to do at night. Thats a negative about living there. I think I might get bored quickly. But truth be told, I'm not a night person nor am I a "party" person, so the night life wouldn't be an issue, and I'd be working during the day.

I've often thought that I "need" to live in a place like Portland (or close to), but then I think about it a little bit. I don't. Outside of school, and driving to work, when do I ever do anything that you can't do pretty much everywhere else in the state/region?

They have a Fred Meyer, internet, lumberyards and a body of water close by (the ocean). That's most of my criteria. The same applies to Spokane, or Vancouver, or parts of Northern Idaho (although the Fred Meyer thing is a touchy one. There is like 1 in the pan-handle of Idaho).

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